The proprietor of the Hippologische Akademie/

Linda Weritz M. A.

Equine Communication and Psychology

Linda Weritz' riding experience lasts for over 40 years and today she is a much sought-after expert with regard to the instruction and correction of horses of all breeds and with respect to all riding styles.

In her youth she gained various experiences with racehorses and subsequent to her Abitur she went to Spain. In Altea, at the Costa Blanca, she became manager of the “Escuela de Equitacion”, where she started and trained young PRE Stallions. Whilst still studying Psychology and Communication-science she specialized in the intra- and interspecific Communication and the specific Psychology of Horses.

In 1998 she became acquainted with Monty Roberts in California and learned the Join Up Method and the training and correction of problematic Horses on his 'Flag Is Up' Farm as well as at Monty’s master pupil Kelly Marks in Oxfordshire/England. Between 2001 and 2003 she instructed numerous international students at the Monty Roberts Learning Center in California and imported for the neighbouring Gardner Ranch Mustangs from the pound of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Nevada to California in order to tame, train and start them under saddle.

Whilst in the USA she worked and studied also under the tutelage of other well-known trainers namely Charles de Kunffy, Mark Rashid, Caroline Resnick and foremost Anna Twinney, the former manager of the MRLC in California. Linda Weritz eventually returned to Germany in 2004 and opened as one of the best Instructors world-wide the Monty Roberts Learning Centre in Marl/Westphalia.

Today, the Horse-Communication-Science graduate and passionate dressage rider and trainer teaches internationally according to the latest equine ethologic and biologic findings and offers owners and enthusiasts within her seminars: lectures and individual training sessions, competent and efficient assistance with regard to dressage, education, training and correction of their horses.

In 2006 Linda Weritz founded the HIPPOLOGISCHE AKADEMIE/ Academy for equine studies where horse interested students from all over the world find their school for gaining most valuable and excellent knowledge of equine learning, training and behavior therapy. Efficient 2-way-communication, finest assistance giving, excellent timing and species-specific motivation of the horse are the supporting columns of her successful and horse-appropriate training methods.

Linda Weritz teaches Equine Communication Science at University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and other well established equine institutes.

In addition to her teaching and lecturing work for the well-being of horses, Linda Weritz also writes books concerning Horse-psychology and -communication for the interested reader.

Lindas Books all by Cadmos

1. Das Lernverhalten der Pferde Das Lernverhalten der Pferde

2. Gesunder Pferdeverstand für Menschen Gesunder Pferdeverstand für Menschen

3. Horse Sense and Horsemanship Horse Sense and Horsemanship

4. Handbuch Pferde Verladen Handbuch Pferde verladen