The degrees
The HIPPOLOGISCHE AKADEMIE / ACADEMY for EQUINE STUDIES offers two different degrees, which are consecutively based upon one another.
Certified Equine Behavior Therapist HA/ ACADEMY for EQUINE STUDIES
For the successful attainment of a degree as „Certified Equine Behavior Therapist of the ACADEMY for EQUINE STUDIES” the HIPPOLOGISCHE AKADEMIE does not presuppose advanced riding skills. The specification of the Certified Equine Behavior Therapist of the HIPPOLOGISCHE AKADEMIE lies within the intelligent, nonviolent communication of Equus Caballus, the nonverbal education, training and behavioral therapy of horses of all ages and breeds on the ground.
The students obtain general knowledge of the nonviolent and intelligent management of horses. The emphasis of these studies lie within the ground work (double long lining according to german dressage standards, desensitisation (desensitization) and sensitisation (sensitization) –techniques, Bitless training, Imprint Training according to german dressage standards and other violence free training methods based on latest scientific research are the centre of attention – meaningfully supplemented by other horse-related topics.
The costs for this degree are 5.890,- Euro respectively plus examination fee (580,- Euro). The subject matter of the individual modules is of variable duration. Courses take place – independent of the module size – 3 days per month (Friday to Sunday) over a period of one year. Classes commence in April 2013 in Düsseldorf/ Germany.
Certified Horse Trainer HA/ ACADEMY for EQUINE STUDIES
The emphasis of this degree lies in the training and behavourial/ behavorial therapy of riding horses and instruction of riding students. Excellent riding skills are presupposed and should be documented at application time.
Basis for the participation for the course is the Certification as 'Equine Behavior Therapist' HIPPOLOGISCHE AKADEMIE/ ACADEMY for EQUINE STUDIES. Costs for this degree vary between 700,- Euro and 1.180,- Euro, depending on the modules the student chooses to attend plus examination fee (290,- Euro). Four of altogether six optional subjects or modules offered by the Academy for Equine Studies are relevant for obtaining a degree as 'Certified Horse Trainer'.
To the final examination of 'Certified Horse Trainer' and/or 'Certified Equine Behavior Therapist' those students are admitted, who successfully passed all modules relevant to the respective degree as well as the admission examination.